Army Corps Set to Begin Dune Restoration Project in Willapa Bay

Leadbetter Point Dunes, Willapa Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Photo source: ©© 2thegalapagos


In an effort to preserve Native American cultural lands, mitigate flood risks and improve coastal habitat for a threatened species, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, is reconstructing a sand dune in Willapa Bay near the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation…

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Willapa Bay, US Fish And Wildlife Service
Willapa National Wildlife Refuge, located on Willapa Bay, is one of the most pristine estuaries in the United States. Willapa Bay is the second largest estuary on the Pacific coast and includes over 260 square miles of water surface. Many salmon species are found in the watters of Willapa Bay, including chum, chinook, and coho.
The refuge preserves several unique ecosystems, including diverse salt marshes, muddy tideflats, rain-drenched old growth forests, and dynamic coastal dunes and beaches. Freshwater marshes and grasslands are found along the southern shore of the bay.

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