Beach re-nourishment operations at Goleta Beach, California, March 2010. Goleta Beach County Park, occupies approximately 29 acres with 4,200 feet of beach frontage in Santa Barbara County. An ongoing problem concerning Goleta Beach is coastal erosion; sand and sediment is constantly being washed away and the beach is narrowing. The beach has been eroding at an average rate of 20 feet (6 m)-per-year.Approximately 50,000 cubic yards of sand necessary to Goleta’s beach replenishment, has been collected from Santa Barbara West Beach and Harbor. The nourishment project cost was 1.6 millions dollars. Captions and Photo source: © SAF — Coastal Care
Open Letter from Dr. Orrin Pilkey, James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of Geology Duke University presented to the California Coastal Commission, May 5, 2015.
Comments on Goleta Beach Project Coastal Development Permit
Dear Chair Kinsey and Commissioners,
Thank you for considering the following comments regarding the Goleta Beach Project. I submit these comments in order to help the California Coastal Commission develop a balanced solution to the Goleta Beach issue. The Commission staff recommends a 20-year permit authorizing retention of the rock revetments on the west side of Goleta Beach County Park in Santa Barbara County. Retaining the rock revetments will lead to erosion of the beach adversely affecting coastal processes, beach recreation and sand supply.The Commission should help the County pursue a solution that avoids such impacts and that protects Goleta Beach – including the sandy beach – as an important and irreplaceable community resource.
My background enables me to comment on the Project as an expert in the field of coastal processes. My qualifications to comment on this Project include the following:
- PhD Geology, Florida State University, 1962
- MS Geology, University of Montana, 1959
- BS Geology, Washington State College, 1957
My experience lies in basic and applied coastal geology. In addition, I founded and am now the director Emeritus of the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines at Duke University My vita is attached for your information.
I have not visited the beach park in question for at least a decade. My long experience has taught me that all beaches in the world are unique in terms of a combination of parameters including wave climate, atmospheric climate, sand supply, offshore bars, width and sediment cover of the adjacent continental shelf, sediment type, beach orientation, coastal type, sea level rise rate and of course the impact of humans. However in this brief document I address some beach issues that are common to all beaches.
As noted in the EIR, sea level rise is expected to be of the order of 3 feet by the year 2100 due to a combination of ice sheet melting and thermal expansion of the ocean. This will have such a huge impact of low lying areas such as the Goleta Beach Park that the rising sea should be a paramount, overriding factor in any aspect of planning for the park. For this reason the County’s assertion that the impacts of the revetments are not significant is of particular concern to me. The general trend is crystal clear and it makes no sense to ignore the impacts.
The impacts of the revetments or any shoreline revetment will increase over time in just about all regards. Sea level rise rates are increasing and the level of the sea will be higher in coming years which in itself will be responsible an increase in erosion rates at Goleta Beach. In effect, the equilibrium shoreline position will be further inland as a result of sea level rise and erosion rates will increase as the shoreline attempts to readjust to the new conditions. Storm surges will likely increase in intensity as the seas warm. Even if storm intensity doesn’t increase, flooding will increase because of a higher base elevation of the sea. It is a certainty that in the future, both active and passive erosion rates will pick up in front of engineering structures such as the Goleta Beach revetments.
To retain the rock revetments in light of a rising ocean is irresponsible in my view. It means that the response in an attempt to save the park a couple decades from now will be on a crisis basis on a schedule determined by big events (storms). Everything will be on an emergency basis including funding and the time available for planning will be nonexistent. Recognition of the probability of increased sea levels and storm intensities will mean the County will be at least partly prepared. It’s a matter of tactical disarray versus strategic preparation, planned for and primed well in advance.
Apparently the County and Commission staff play down the beach narrowing process (passive erosion) in front of the revetments in part because the natural processes involved are speculative. It’s a mentality that suggests that if you cannot figure it out with certainty, hide your head in the sand. That is, who knows when the next storm will arrive, from what direction it will come, where it will strike, how long it will last, what will the storm’s intensity be and with what frequency will future storms arrive.
Of course no one knows rates of beach narrowing for certain but as coastal engineer Michael Walther of Coastal Tech has pointed out in his comments on the County’s EIR, the extent of narrowing on a decadal time frame is more or less predictable based on current erosion rates along this coastal reach with an adjustment for sea level rise. This will be a ballpark estimate but nonetheless useful for planning and better than one’s head in the sand.
There is no such thing as an accurate forecast of the impact of beach processes on a given beach. (There is no such thing as an accurate forecast of any earth surface process). But often an idea of the future can be gained by looking at neighboring beach projects with more than of decade lifespan.
Strong impacts on adjacent beaches are a near certainty. As the beaches narrow due to passive erosion in front of a revetment the surface from which sand is stirred up by the surf and then transported becomes narrower and the amount of sand transported laterally becomes proportionately smaller. Eventually as the revetment protrudes out onto the original beach, it has a groin effect, trapping sand, causing both beach narrowing and further reducing lateral sand transport, starving the downdrift beaches.
Dr. David Revell (Revell Coastal, Inc.) and Gary Griggs (2006) have already documented narrowing on Goleta Beach as a result of other revetments placed on the beach in prior years. The rock revetments at the west end of Goleta Beach are exposed frequently at all times of the year, as can be seen in photos and google earth images. Given this, it is clear that the revetments are already harming Goleta Beach. Retaining the revetments for a period of 20 years or longer will further exacerbate these impacts including erosion, narrowing and submergence of the beach.
Fundamentally use of hard structures at Goleta Beach should be viewed as a means to protect buildings and park areas behind the structures at the price of loss of the beach. Your Commission should seek to protect coastal-dependent beach uses and balance resource protection at Goleta Beach by requiring removal of the damaging rock revetments and relocation of threatened infrastructure (sewer line, parking spaces and bike path) to other locations within the park. Such relocation has been studied in the County’s EIR, has been priced, and is a feasible alternative which would protect the park facilities, protect the beach from erosion caused by the revetments, and would balance coastal resources including coastal access, recreation and the sandy beach.
Thank you for your attention to these comments.
Orrin Pilkey, PhD
May 5, 2015
Dr. Orrin Pilkey
James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of Geology Duke University
Box 90227
Durham, NC 27708
Steve Kinsey, Chair
California Coastal Commission 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000 San Francisco, CA 94105
RE: Comments on Goleta Beach Project Coastal Development Permit
The California Coastal Commission hearing will be held on May 13th, 2015, at Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 105 E. Anapamu St., 4th Floor
SAVE THE DATE to SAVE GOLETA BEACH: Learn more with: the Environmental Defense Center
Removal of the unpermitted rock seawall from the western side of the park means the beach will be protected for future generations!
Orrin H. Pilkey
James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences Duke University
Office: Nicholas School of the Environment Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Duke University, Box 90228
Durham, NC 27708-0228
(919) 684-4238 Fax: (919) 684-5833
- B.S., Geology, Washington State University (1957)
- M.S., Geology, Montana State University (1959)
- Ph.D., Geology, Florida State University (1962)
- 1) Geological Society of America
- 2) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM) 3) Society for Sedimentary Geology
- 4) International Association of Sedimentologists
- 5) American Geophysical Union
- 6) Sigma Xi
- 7) Explorers Club
- 1) Summers 1953-1955, U.S. Forest Service, Missoula, Montana, smokejumper;
- 2) Summer 1956, General Electric Company, Richland, Washington, ground water geological assistant;
- 3) 1957-1965, U.S. Army; 6 months active, 8 years reserve – final rank: Captain; 4) Summer 1961, Huber Clay Company, geologic field assistant;
- 5) 1962-1965, University of Georgia, research associate and assistant professor, Marine Lab, Sapelo Island, Georgia;
- 6) 1965-1967, Assistant Professor of Geology, Duke University;
- 7) 1967-1975, Associate Professor of Geology, Duke University;
- 8) 1965-1970 Director of Graduate Studies, Geology Department, Duke University;
- 9) 1972-1973, Visiting Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Department of Marine Sciences;
- 10) 1975-1983, Professor of Geology, Duke University;
- 11) 1975-1976, Senior research geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA;
- 12) 1978-1979, Acting Director, Duke University Oceanographic Program;
- 13) 1983-2001, James B. Duke Professor of Geology, Duke University;
- 14) 1986-2006, Founder and Director, Duke University Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines;
- 15) 2001 to present, James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences;
- 16) 2006, Founded collaborative program with Western Carolina University of the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines;
- 17) 2006-present, Director Emeritus, Joint Western Carolina University-Duke University Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines.
- 1) Editor, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 1978-1983.
- 2) Associate Editor, Marine Geology, Journal of Coastal Research, and Geology
- 3) Series Editor, Living with the Shore book series (20 volumes) (with W.J. Neal), 1979-present
Member of Duke University scholarly exchange delegation, Peoples
Republic of China (1975); member of two state government committees concerned with shoreline development problems; twice member of the Duke University Academic Council (faculty senate); Chairman, Shepard Medal Committee, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, (1971-72); vice-president and program chairman, North Carolina Academy of Science, (1974); marine geology “editor,” Glossary of Geology, American Geological Institute, (1976); outside member of various Ph.D. committees in other universities (University of Georgia, George Washington University, University of South Carolina, University of Toronto); University Educational Policy and Program Committee; Duke Marine Lab Advisory Committee; Council, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, (1978-1986); Board of Directors, Association of Earth Science Editors, (1982-1984); Board of Directors, North Carolina Coastal Federation; Board of Directors, The Coastal Alliance; testimony before two congressional committees during barrier island bill deliberations, (1981-1982); Sedimentary Petrology and physical processes panel, Deep Sea Drilling Program; Publications committee, Joint Oceanographic Institute; Member, National Research Council Panel on sea level rise and coastal engineering; President, North Carolina Academy of Science, (1981-1982); Program Chairman, Association of Earth Science; Editors, (1982); Duke University UNOLS representative, (1978-1981); Consultant for shoreline books to Time-Life Books and National Geographic Society; Publications committee, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, (1982-1986); Proposal Review Panel – Submarine Geology and Geophysics, (1984); President-elect of Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, (1984), President (1985-86); Program Chairman, 1986 Mid-year Meeting, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists; member of Marine Board Committee on Engineering Implications of Changes in Relative Sea-level, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences; testimony before House Subcommittee on Public Lands and National Parks regarding Oregon Inlet Jetty Project (1984); testimony before joint subcommittee meeting of the Senate Environmental and Public Works committee regarding Oregon Inlet Jetty Project (1984); WAE US Geological Survey (1975-present); organizer, NSF-KOSEF (Korea NSF) conference on Marine Geology of the Yellow Sea, Seoul, Korea (1984); National Academy of Science consultant to Portugal Geological Survey re: start-up of Coastal Geology Program (1985); consultant to “IGNEOMINAS” (Geological Survey of Columbia) re: start-up of Coastal Geology Program (1986); President, SEPM Foundation (1986-1988); Vice President SEPM for Fund Raising, SEPM Foundation (1988-1992); present numerous talks to local civic, social, and environmental groups (8-10 per year); occasional conference keynote speaker; Executive board, Move the Lighthouse Committee (1986-present); testimony before Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations on beach replenishment at Ocean City, Maryland (1990); National Research Council Beach Replenishment Panel (1992); Geological Society of America, Geology and Public Policy Committee member (1994- ); member of Geological Society of America Council (1994- 1996); activities continued, record-keeping discontinued.
Activities of Note:
- President, North Carolina Academy of Science, 1982
- Recipient – James B. Duke Professorship, 1983
- President, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM), 1985-
1986 - President SEPM Foundation, Inc., 1986-1989
- Francis Shepard Medal for Excellence in Marine Geology, 1987;
- Conservation Educator of the Year, N.C. Wildlife Federation, 1991;
- Honorary Membership, The Society for the Study of Sediments (SEPM), 1992;
- George V. Cohee Public Service Award, The American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, 1992; - James H. Shea Award for exceptional contributions in editing of Earth Science
materials, National Association of Geology Teachers, 1993; - American Geological Institute Award for outstanding contribution to the public understanding of geology (with William Neal), 1993;
- Outstanding Public Service Award for extraordinary contributions to achieving FEMA’s goals of reducing the impact of disasters on people and communities through mitigation, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1999;
- GSA Public Service Award in Honor of Eugene & Carolyn Shoemaker, recognizing the enhancement of the public’s understanding of Earth Science, The Geological Society of America, 2000;
- Honorary Doctorate Degree, University of the South (Suwannee), 2001;
- Priestley Medal, the Dickinson College Award in Memory of Joseph Priestley,
for distinguished research in coastal geology and public service in policy formulation and education about America’s coastal resources, Dickinson College, 2003; - Lifetime Achievement Award from the North Carolina Coastal Federation, 2008.
- Newton, J.G., O.H. Pilkey, and J.O. Blanton, 1971, An Oceanographic Atlas of the Carolina Continental Margin: N.C. Dept. of Conservation and Development, 57 p. Swift, D.J.P., D.B. Duane, and O.H. Pilkey (eds.), 1972, Shelf Sediment Transport, Process and Pattern: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc. Stroudsburg, PA, 656 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., O.H. Pilkey, Sr., and R. Turner, 1975, How to Live With an Island: N.C. Dept. of Natural and Economic Resources, Raleigh, NC, 191 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., and S.J. Fritz (eds.), 1976, A Marine Atlas of Puerto Rico: M.J. Cerame-VIVAS, Inc., San German, Puerto Rico, 139 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., W.J. Neal, and O.H. Pilkey, Sr., 1978, From Currituck to Calabash: N.C. Science and Technology Research Center, Raleigh, NC, 228 p. -2nd edition, 191 p. -3rd edition, Duke University Press, Durham, NC.
- Doyle, L.J., and O.H. Pilkey (eds.), 1979, The Geology of Continental Slopes: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Paper No. 27, 374 p.
- Kaufman, W., and O. H. Pilkey, 1979, The Beaches Are Moving: The Drowning of the American Shoreline: Anchor-Doubleday, 326 p. (Book-of-the-Month Club Alternate Selection, 1980). Paperback edition, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 1983.
- Morton, R.N., O.H. Pilkey, and W.J. Neal, 1983, Living with the Texas Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 190 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., Sr., W.D. Pilkey, O.H. Pilkey, Jr., and W.J. Neal, 1984, Coastal Design, A Guide for Planners, Developers and Homeowners: Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 224 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., Jr., S. Dinesh, H. Wanless, L. Doyle, O.H. Pilkey, Sr., W.J. Neal, and B. Gruver, 1984, Living with the East Florida Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 259 p.
- Neal, W.J., C. Blakeney, and O.H. Pilkey, 1984, Living with the South Carolina Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 157 p.
- Doyle, L.J., et al. 1984, Living with the West Florida Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 222 p.
- Kelley, J.R., A.R. Kelley, O.H. Pilkey, and A.A. Clark, 1984, Living with the Louisiana Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 164 p.
- McCormick, L.R., O.H. Pilkey, Jr., W.J. Neal, and O.H. Pilkey, Sr., 1984, Living with Long Island’s South Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 157 p.
- Canis, W.F., W.J. Neal, O.H. Pilkey, Jr., and O.H. Pilkey, Sr., 1985, Living with the Mississippi-Alabama Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 214 p.
- Griggs, G., and L. Savoy (eds.), 1985, Living with the California Coast: Pilkey, O.H., and W.J. Neal, (Series eds.): Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 393 p.
- Nordstrom, K.F., et al., 1986, Living with the New Jersey Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 191 p.
- Nummedal, D., O.H. Pilkey, and J.D. Howard (eds.), 1987, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Evolution (Armstrong Price Symposium): Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication #41, 266 p.
- Carter, C., et al., 1987, Living with the Lake Erie Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 263 p.
Kraus, N.C., and O.H. Pilkey (eds.), 1988, The Effects of Seawalls on the Beach: Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue #4, 146 p. - Kelley, J.T., A.R. Kelley, and O.H. Pilkey, 1989, Living with the Coast of Maine: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 174 p.
- Ward, L.G., P.S. Rosen, W.J. Neal, O.H. Pilkey, Jr., O.H. Pilkey, Sr., G.L. Anderson, and
S.J. Howie, 1989, Living with the Chesapeake Bay and Virginia’s Ocean Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 236 p. - Finkl, C., and O.H. Pilkey (eds.), 1991, The Impacts of Hurricane Hugo: Sept. 10-22, 1989: Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue #8.
- Clayton, T.D., et al., 1992, Living with the Georgia Shore: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 188 p.
- Patton, P.C., and J.M. Kent, 1992, A Moveable Shore: The Fate of the Connecticut Coast: Pilkey, O.H., and W.J. Neal (eds.), Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 143 p.
- Bush, D.M., et al., 1995, Living with the Puerto Rico Shore: Pilkey, O.H., and W.J. Neal (eds.), Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 193 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., and K.L. Dixon, 1996, The Corps and the Shore: Island Press, Washington, DC, 272 p.
- Bush, D.M., O.H. Pilkey, and W.J. Neal, 1996, Living by the Rules of the Sea, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 179 p.
- Lennon, J., W.J. Neal, D.M. Bush, O.H. Pilkey, M.L. Stutz, and J. Bullock, 1996, Living with the South Carolina Coast: 2nd Edition (revised), Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 241 p.
- Mason, O., O.H. Pilkey, and W.J. Neal, 1996, Living with the Alaska Coast: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 348 p.
- Komar, P.D., 1997, The Pacific Northwest Coast, Living with the Shores of Oregon and Washington:
- Pilkey, O.H., and W.J. Neal (eds.), Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 195 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., W.J. Neal, S.R. Riggs, C.A. Webb, D.M. Bush, J. Bullock, and B. Cowan, 1998, The North Carolina Shore and Its Barrier Islands: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 318 p.
- Bush, D.M., N.J. Longo, W.J. Neal, L.S. Esteves, O.H. Pilkey, D.F. Pilkey, and C.A. Webb, 2001, Living on the Edge of the Gulf: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 340 p.
- Pilkey, O.H. and M.E. Fraser, 2003, A Celebration of the World’s Barrier Islands: Columbia University Press, New York, NY, 309 p.
- Bush, D.M., W.J. Neal, N.J. Longo, et al., 2004, Living with Florida’s Atlantic Beaches: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 338 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., T.M. Rice, and W.J. Neal, 2004, How to Read a North Carolina Beach: Bubble Holes, Barking Sands, and Rippled Runnels: A beachcomber’s guide to curiosities along the shore: University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 162 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., and L. Pilkey-Jarvis, 2007, Useless Arithmetic: Why Environmental Scientists Can’t Predict the Future: New York, Columbia University Press, 230 p.
- Neal, W.J., O.H. Pilkey, and J.T. Kelley, 2007, Atlantic Coast Beaches: A Guide to Ripples, Dunes, and Other Natural Features of the Seashore: Mountain Press Publishing Company, Missoula, MT, 250 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., and R. Young, 2009, The Rising Sea: Island Press, Washington, DC, 203 p.
- Kelley, J.T., Pilkey, O.H., and Cooper, J.A.G. (eds.), 2009, America’s Most Vulnerable Coastal Communities: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 460, 179 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., Neal, W.J., Kelley, J.T., and Cooper, J.A.G., 2011, The World’s Beaches: A Global Guide to the Science of the Shoreline: University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 355 p.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Pilkey, K.C., 2011, Global Climate Change: A Primer: Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 142 p.
- Cooper, J.A.G. and Pilkey, O.H. (eds.), (in press), Pitfalls of Shoreline Stabilization: Selected Case Studies: Springer.
- The Beaches Are Moving (1992), 1 hour North Carolina PBS production, produced by Michael Sheehan.
- Living on the Edge (1996), 1 hour production by Environmental Media, Inc.
Dynamic Shorelines (©2009); (7:30): part of Physical Geology online (distance learning course), produced by Dallas TeleLearning, Dallas County Community College District (Texas): Lynn Millwood, Ph.D. (editor), Craig Mayes (Executive Producer).
- Pilkey, O.H., and Hower, J., 1960, The effect of environment on the concentration of skeletal magnesium and strontium in Dendraster: Journal of Geology, v. 68, no. 2, p. 203-216.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Gorsline, D.S., 1961, Recent root casts in sediments of the Apalachicola Delta, Florida: Southeastern Geology, v. 3, p. 37-47.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Goodell, H.G., 1963, Trace elements in Recent mollusk shells: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 8, no. 2, p.137-148.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1963, Heavy minerals of the U. S. South Atlantic continental shelf and slope. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 74, p. 641-648.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1964, Mineralogy of the fine fraction in certain carbonate cores: Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean, v. 14, p. 126-139.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Richter, D.M., 1964, Beach profiles of a Georgia barrier island: Southeastern Geology, v. 6, p. 11-19.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1964, The size distribution and mineralogy of the carbonate fraction of United States South Atlantic shelf and upper slope sediments: Marine Geology, v. 2, p. 121-136.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Frankenburg, D., 1964, The relict-Recent sediment boundary on the Georgia continental shelf: Bulletin of the Georgia Academy of Science, v. XXII (January), p. 37-40.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Goodell, H.G., 1964, Comparison of the composition of fossil and Recent mollusk shells: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 75, p. 217-228.
- Giles, R.T. and Pilkey, O.H., 1965, Atlantic beach and dune sediments of the southern United States: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 35(4), p. 900-910.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Giles, R.T., 1965, Bottom topography of the Georgia continental shelf: Southeastern Geology, v. 7, p. 15-18.
- Stewart, R.A., Pilkey, O.H. and Nelson, B.W., 1965, Sediments of the Northern Arabian Sea: Marine Geology, v. 3, p. 411-427.
- Harriss, R.C. and Pilkey, O.H., 1966, Interstitial waters of some deep marine carbonate sediments: Deep Sea Research, v. 13, p. 967-969.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Harriss, R.C., 1966, The effect of intertidal environment on the composition of calcareous skeletal material: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 11, no. 3, p. 381-385.
Pilkey, O.H. and Noble, D., 1966, Carbonate and clay mineralogy of the Persian Gulf: Deep Sea Research, v. 13, p. 1-16. - Pilkey, O.H. and Rucker, J.B., 1966, Mineralogy of Tongue of the Ocean sediments: Journal of Marine Research, v. 24, p. 276-285.
- Pilkey, O.H., Schnitker, D. and Pevear, D.R., 1966, Oolites on the Georgia continental shelf edge: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 36(2), p. 462-467.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Terlecky, P. M., 1966, Distribution of surface sediments on the Georgia continental shelf, in Pleistocene and Holocene Sediments, Sapelo Island, Georgia and Vicinity: Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Field trip #1, p. 28-39.
- Harriss, R.C., and Pilkey, O.H., 1966, Temperature and salinity control of the concentration of skeletal Na, Mn, and Fe in Dendraster excentricus: Pacific Science, v. XX, no. 2, p. 235-238.
- Heezen, B.C., Schneider, E.D., and Pilkey, O.H., 1966, Sediment transport by the Antarctic bottom current on the Bermuda Rise: Nature, v. 211, p. 611-612.
- Pevear, D.R., and Pilkey, O.H., 1966, Phosphorite in Georgia continental shelf sediments: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 77, p. 849-858.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Luternauer, J.L., 1966, North Carolina Frying Pan Phosphate sands: Geo Marine Technology, v. 2, p. 24-25.
- Stewart, R.A., and Pilkey, O.H., 1966, Sediments of the Northern Arabian Sea: Washington, D.C., Ocean Surveys Division, U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Technical Report 186, 28 p.
- Menzies, R.J., Pilkey, O.H., Blackwelder, B.W., Dexter, D., et al., 1966, A submerged reef off North Carolina: Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie, v. 51, no. 3, p. 393-431.
- Luternauer, J.L., and Pilkey, O.H., 1967, Phosphorite grains: Their application to the interpretation of North Carolina shelf sedimentation: Marine Geology, v. 5, p. 315-320.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Luternauer, J.L., 1967, A North Carolina shelf phosphate deposit of possible commercial interest: Southeastern Geology, v. 8, p. 33-51.
- Pilkey, O.H., Morton, R.W., and Luternauer, J.L., 1967, The carbonate fraction of beach and dune sands: Sedimentology, v. 8, p. 311-327.
- Cleary, W.J., and Pilkey, O.H., 1968, Sedimentation in Onslow Bay: Southeastern Geology Special Publication No. 1, p. 1-17.
- Doyle, L.J., Cleary, W.J., and Pilkey, O.H., 1968, Mica: its use in determining shelf depositional regimes: Marine Geology, v. 6, p. 381-389.
- Milliman, J.D., Pilkey, O.H., and Blackwelder, B.W., 1968, Carbonate Sedimentation on the continental shelf, Cape Hatteras to Cape Romain: Southeastern Geology, v. 9, p. 245-267.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1968, Sedimentation processes on the Atlantic Southeastern United States continental shelf: Maritime Sediments, v. 4, no. 2, p. 49-51.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Blackwelder, B.W., 1968, Mineralogy of the sand size carbonate fraction of some Recent marine terrigenous and carbonate sediments: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 38, no. 3, p. 799-810.
- Field, M.E., and Pilkey, O.H., 1969, Feldspar in Atlantic continental margin sands off the southeastern United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 80, p. 2097-2102.
- Macintyre, I.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 1969, Tropical reef corals: tolerance of low temperatures on the North Carolina continental shelf: Science, v. 166, p. 374-375.
- Macintyre, I.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 1969, Preliminary comments on linear sand-surface features, Onslow Bay, North Carolina continental shelf: Problems in making detailed sea-floor observations: Maritime Sediments, v. 5, p. 26-29.
- Newton, J.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 1969, Topography of the continental margin off the Carolinas: Southeastern Geology, v. 10, p. 87-92.
- Pilkey, O.H., Blackwelder, B.W., Doyle, L.J., and Estes, E.L., 1969, Environmental significance of the physical attributes of calcareous sedimentary particles: Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. XIX, p. 113-114.
- Pilkey, O.H, Blackwelder, B.W., Doyle, L.J., Estes, E.L., and Terlecky, P.M., 1969, Aspects of carbonate sedimentation on the Atlantic continental shelf off the southern United States: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 39, no. 2, p. 744-768.
- Ragland, P.C., Pilkey, O.H., and Blackwelder, B.W., 1969, Comparison of the Sr/Ca ratio of fossil and Recent mollusc shells: Nature, v. 224, no. 5225, p. 1223-1224.
- Field, M.E., and Pilkey, O.H., 1970, Lithification of deep sea sediments by pyrite: Nature, v. 226, no. 5248, p. 836-837.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Bornhold, B.D., 1970, Gold distribution on the Carolina continental margin — a preliminary report: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 700-C, p. C30-C34.
- Judd, J.B., Smith, W.C., and Pilkey, O.H., 1970, The environmental significance of ironstained quartz grains on the southeastern United States Atlantic Shelf: Marine Geology,
v. 8, p. 355-362. - Bornhold, B.D., and Pilkey, O.H., 1971, Bioclastic turbidite sedimentation in Columbus Basin, Bahamas: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, p. 1341-1354.
- Field, M.E., and Pilkey, O.H., 1971, Deposition of deep-sea sands: Comparison of two areas of the Carolina continental rise: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 41, no. 2, p. 526-536.
- Froelich, P., Golden, B., and Pilkey, O.H., 1971, Organic carbon in sediments of the North Carolina continental rise: Southeastern Geology, v. 13, no. 2, p. 91-97.
- Kier, J.S., and Pilkey, O.H., 1971, The influence of sea level changes on sediment carbonate mineralogy, Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas: Marine Geology, v. 11, p. 189-200.
- Pilkey, O.H, Macintyre, I.G., and Uchupi, E., 1971, Shallow structures: shelf edge of continental margin between Cape Hatteras and Cape Fear, North Carolina: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 55, no. 1, p. 110-115.
- Rodolfo, K.A., Buss, B.A., and Pilkey, O.H., 1971, Suspended sediment increase due to Hurricane Gerda in continental shelf waters off Cape Lookout, North Carolina: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 41, no. 4, p. 1121-1125.
- Milliman, J.D., Pilkey, O.H., and Ross, D.A., 1972, Sediments of the continental margin off the eastern United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, p. 1315-1334.
- Molnia, B.F., and Pilkey, O.H., 1972, Origin and distribution of calcareous fines on the Carolina continental shelf: Sedimentology, v. 18, p. 293-310.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1972, Barium: Element and geochemistry: in Fairbridge (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry and Environmental Sciences: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, p. 62-63.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1972, Calcium: Element and geochemistry: in Fairbridge (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry and Environmental Sciences: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, p. 100-103.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Field, M.E., 1972, Lower continental rise east of the middle Atlantic states: predominant sediment dispersal perpendicular to isobaths: discussion: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, p. 3537-3538.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Field, M.E., 1972, Onshore transportation of continental shelf sediment: Atlantic southeastern United States: in Swift, Duane, and Pilkey (eds.), Shelf Sediment Transport: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, Pa., p. 429-446.
- Polifka, J., Pilkey, O.H., Kier, J.S., and Atwood, D., 1972, Sea floor compositional changes in calcareous skeletal material: Nature, v. 240, p. 89-90.
- Watkins, J.A., and Pilkey, O.H., 1972, Le Sable des Plages Tunisiennes: Note du Service Geologique, #39, Republique Tunisienne, Ministere de l’Economie Nationale, Direction des Mines et de l’Energie, 41 p.
- Blackwelder, P.L., and Pilkey, O.H., 1972, Electron Microscopy of Quartz Grain Surface Textures: The U.S. Eastern Atlantic Continental Margin. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 42, no. 3, p. 520-526.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1974, Let the Lighthouse Fall In: The High School Journal, v. 8, p. 1-10.
- Doyle, L.J., Pilkey, O.H., Hayward, G.L., and Arbogast, J.S., 1975, Sedimentation on the Northeastern Continental Slope of the United States: Proceedings of IXth International Congress of Sedimentology, Theme 6, p. 51-56.
- Fritz, S.J., and Pilkey, O.H., 1975, Distinguishing bottom and turbidity current coarse layers on the Continental Rise: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 45, p. 57-62.v
- Klasik, J.A., and Pilkey, O.H., 1975, Processes of sedimentation on the Atlantic Continental Rise off the Southeastern U.S.: Marine Geology, v. 19, p. 69-89.
- Morton, R.A., Galvin, C.J., Jr., Howard, J.D., Moseley, J.C., Pilkey, O.H., et al., 1975, Impact of Barrier-Island Development – Geologic Problems and Practical Solutions: Report of the Committee on Environment and Public Policy, The Geological Society of America, 8 p.
- Bennetts, K.R.W., and Pilkey, O.H., 1976, Characteristics of three turbidites, Hispaniola-Caicos Basin: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, p. 1291-1300.
- Harbridge, W., Pilkey, O.H., Whaling, P., and Swetland, P., 1976, Sedimentation in the Lake of Tunis: a lagoon strongly influenced by man: Environmental Geology, v. 1, p. 215-225.
- Mixon, R., and Pilkey, O.H., 1976, Geology of the Cape Lookout Quadrangle: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 859.
- Schneidermann, N., Pilkey, O.H., and Saunders, C. 1976, Sedimentation on the Puerto Rico insular shelf: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 46, p. 167-173.
- Seiglie, G.A., Froelich, P.N., and Pilkey, O.H., 1976, Deep-sea sediments of Navidad Basin: correlation of sand layers: Deep-Sea Research, v. 23, p. 89-101.
- Watkins, J. A., Pilkey, O.H., and Cleary, W. J., 1977, Petrology and origin of beach sands of Tunisia: Egyptian Journal of Geology, v. 21, no. 2, p. 159-176.
- Cleary, W.J., and Pilkey, O.H., 1977, Morphology and sediments of three ocean basin entry points, Hatteras Abyssal Plain: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 47, no. 3, p. 1157-1170.
- Ditty, P.S., Harmon, C.J., Pilkey, O.H., Ball, M.M., and Richardson, E.S., 1977, Mixed terrigenous-carbonate sedimentation in the Hispaniola-Caicos turbidite basin: Marine Geology, v. 24, p. 1-20.
- Macintyre, I.G., Pilkey, O.H., and Stuckenrath, R., 1978, Relict oysters on the United States Atlantic Continental Shelf: A reconsideration of their usefulness in understanding late Quaternary sea-level history: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 89, p. 277-282.
- Pilkey, O.H., Trumbull, J.V.A., and Bush, D.M., 1978, Equilibrium shelf sedimentation, Rio de La Plata Shelf, Puerto Rico: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 48, no. 2, p. 389-400.
- Thornton, S.E., Pilkey, O.H., and Lynts, G.W., 1978, A lagoonal crustose coralline algal micro-ridge: Bahiret el Bibane, Tunisia: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 48, no. 3, p. 743-750.
- Pilkey, S., and Pilkey, O., 1978, Research Vessel Eastward – Fifteen Years of Service: The Office of University Publications, Duke University, 48 p.
- Blackwelder, B.W., Pilkey, O.H., and Howard, J. D., 1979, Late Wisconsinan sea levels on the southeast U.S. Atlantic shelf based on in-place shoreline indicators: Science, v. 204, p. 618-620.
- Chu, F.H., Pilkey, W.D., and Pilkey, O.H., 1979, An Analytical Study of Turbidity Current Steady Flow: Marine Geology, v. 33, p. 205-220.
- Doyle, L.J., Pilkey, O.H., and Woo, C.C., 1979, Sedimentation on the eastern United States continental slope; in Doyle, L.J. and Pilkey, O.H. (eds.), Geology of continental slopes: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication No. 27, p. 119-129.
- Elmore, R.D., Pilkey, O.H., Cleary, W.J., and Curran, H.A., 1979, Black Shell turbidite, Hatteras abyssal Plain, Western North Atlantic Ocean: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 90, p. 1165-1176.
- Macintyre, I.G., Pilkey, O.H., and Stuckenrath, R., 1979, Relict oysters on the United States Atlantic continental shelf: A reconsideration of their usefulness in understanding late Quaternary sea-level history: Reply (to Discussion by K.O. Emery and A.S. Merrill):Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 90, pt. 1, p. 689-694.
- Pilkey, O.H., Fierman, E.I., and Trumbull, J.V.A., 1979, Relationship between physical condition of the carbonate fraction and sediment environments, Northern Puerto Rico Shelf: Sedimentary Geology, v. 24, p. 283-290.
- Ragland, P.C., Pilkey, O.H., and Blackwelder, B.W., 1979, Diagenetic changes in the elemental composition of unrecrystallized mollusk shells: Chemical Geology, v. 25, p. 123-134.
- Thornton, S.E., Pilkey, O.H., Doyle, L.J., and Whaling, P.J., 1980, Holocene evolution of a coastal lagoon, Lake of Tunis, Tunisia: Sedimentology, v. 27, p. 79-91.
- Chu, F.H., Pilkey, O.H., and Pilkey, W.D., 1980, A turbidity current model: Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV, p. 416-432.
- Pilkey, O.H., Locker, S.D., and Cleary, W.J., 1980, Comparison of sand-layer geometry on flat floors of 10 modern depositional basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 64, no. 6, p. 841-856.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W. J., 1980, Barrier island hazard mapping: Oceanus, v. 23, no. 4, p. 38-46.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1980, The Barrier Islands: Outdoor America, v. 45, no. 4, p. 6-9.
- Leonard, J.E., Cameron, B., Pilkey, O.H., and Friedman, G.M., 1981, Evaluation of cold-water carbonates as a possible paleoclimatic indicator: Sedimentary Geology, v. 28, p. 1-28.
- Park, Y.A., and Pilkey, O.H., 1981, Detrital Mica: Environmental Significance of roundness and grain surface textures: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 51, no. 1, p. 113-120.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1981, Geologists, engineers and a rising sea level: in Leonard, J.E. and Maurmeyer, E. (eds.), Coastal and Nearshore Processes of the Western Atlantic: Northeastern Geology, v. 3, nos. 3 & 4, p. 150-158.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1981, Geologists, Engineers, Barrier Islands and the Rising Sea Level: Duke University Letters #17 (Jan. 28), Durham, N.C.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1981, America’s beaches: an endangered species? Sea Grant Today, v. 11, no. 6, p. 14-16.
- Neal, W.J., Pilkey, O.H., and Imperato, P.O., 1981, Oregon Inlet: Outdoor America, p. 12-14.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Evans, M., 1981, Rising Sea, Shifting Shores: in Reische, D., and Jackson, T.C. (eds.), Coast Alert: Scientists Speak Out: Friends of the Earth, Coast Alliance, San Francisco, CA, p. 14-47.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Myers, C., 1981, Barrier Islands — Our Most Dynamic Real Estate: Earth Science, (Fall), v. 34, p. 20-23.
- Pilkey, O.H., Blackwelder, B.W., Knebel, H., and Ayers, M.W., 1981, The Georgia embayment continental shelf: stratigraphy of a submergence: Geological Society of America Bulletin, Part I, v. 92, p. 52-63.
- Pilkey, O.H., and 10 others, 1981, Saving the American Beach: A position paper by concerned coastal geologists: Privately circulated to the media and signed by two-thirds of the coastal geology community. Paper was reprinted or discussed in Science Magazine, Geotimes, and Shore and Beach.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Wilcox, M., 1981, Citation analysis of principal sedimentary journals: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 50, p. 1044-1045.
- Blackwelder, B.W., Macintyre, I.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 1982, Geology of Continental Shelf, Onslow Bay, North Carolina, as revealed by Submarine Outcrops: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 66, p. 44-56.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1982, Saving the American Beach: Impact of the Position Paper: in Rukavina, N.A. (ed.): Proceedings, Third Workshop on Great Lakes Coastal Erosion and Sedimentation: Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario, Nov. 1-2, 1982, p. 7-10.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1982, Shoreline Research: in Brewer, P. (ed.), Oceanography: The Present and the Future, Woods Hole 50th Anniversary Volume: Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 87-100.
- Mazzullo, J., Ehrlich, R., and Pilkey, O.H., 1982, Local and Distal origin of sands in the Hatteras Abyssal Plain: Marine Geology, v. 48, p. 75-88.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1982, Indian Estuaries need study: Geotimes, p. 21-23.
- Grove, K.A., Pilkey, O.H., and Trumbull, J.V.A., 1982, Mud transportation on a steep shelf, Rio de la Plata shelf, Puerto Rico: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 2; p. 71-75.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Evans, M., 1982, Rising Seas, Shifting Shores: Trying to Stop the Sea: Oceans, v. 15, no. 1, p. 65-69.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Myers, C., 1982, Man vs. Barrier Islands: Earth Science, v. 35, 15-19.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W.J., 1982, The Folly of Stabilizing Oregon Inlet: Southern Exposure, v. X, p. 10-12.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W.J., 1983, Man vs. the sea at the shore: in Ragotzkie, R.A. (ed.), Man and the Marine Environment: CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, p. 101-118.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1983, The eroding shores and the disappearing beach: Geophysics: The Leading Edge of Exploration; April, p. 50-53.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1983, Preserving our beaches — a reply: Sea Grant Today, v. 13, no. 3, p. 8.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1983, Editorial: A look back: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 53, p. 351-352.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Lincoln, R., 1984, Insular shelf heavy mineral partitioning in Northern Puerto Rico: Marine Mining, v. 4, no. 4, p. 403-414.
- Dias, J.M.A., Pilkey, O.H., and Heilweil, V.M., 1984, Detrital Mica: Environmental significance in North Portugal continental shelf sediments: Comunicacoes dos Servicos Geologicos de Portugal, t. 70, Fasc. 1, p. 93-101.
- Pilkey, O.H., Bush, D.M., and Rodriquez, R.W., 1984, Storm sedimentation, North Shelf of Puerto Rico: in Park, Y.A., Pilkey, O.H. and Kim, S.W. (eds.), Marine Geology and Physical Processes of the Yellow Sea: Proceedings of Korea-U.S. Seminar and Workshop, Seoul, Korea, p. 242-259.
- Cleary, W.T., Pilkey, O.H., and Nelson, J.C., 1985, Wilmington Fan, Atlantic Ocean: in Bouma, A.H., Barnes, N.E., Normark, W.R. (eds.), Submarine Fans and Related Turbidite Sequences: Bouma, A.H. (series ed.), Frontiers in Sedimentary Geology: Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 157-164.
- Howard, J.D., Kaufman, W., and Pilkey, O.H., 1985, National Strategy for Beach Preservation: Position paper #2 co-authored by 10 other specialists, Second Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Conference on America’s Eroding Shoreline, privately circulated, 11 p.; also 1985, Journal of Coastal Research, v. 1, no. 4, p. 404-411.
- Pilkey, W.D., and Pilkey, O.H, 1985, Are we ready to consider shoreline buildings as being expendable? in McGrath, J. (ed.), California’s Battered Coast: California Coastal Commission, p. 243-250.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1985, Living with coastal hazards: in Striking a Balance: Reflections on Ten Years of Managing the North Carolina Coast: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Coastal Management, p. 20-24.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Cleary, W.J., 1986, Turbidite sedimentation in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean Basin: in Vogt, P.R. and Tucholke, B.E. (eds.), The Geology of North America, Vol. M, The Western North Atlantic Region: Geological Society of America, (Chapter 26), p. 437-450.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Curran, H.A., 1986, Molluscan Shell Transport: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet: Palaios, v. 1, p. 197.
- Katz, S.D., and Pilkey, O.H., 1987, An analysis of detrital mica grain morphology in two North Carolina fluvial networks: in Marshall, J.R. (ed.), Clastic Particles: Scanning Electron Microscopy and Shape Analysis of Sedimentary and Volcanic Clasts: Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, (Chapter 6), p. 328-339.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1987, Sedimentology of basin plains: in Weaver, P.P.E. and Thomson, J. (eds.), Geology and Geochemistry of Abyssal Plains: Geological Society (London), Special Publication #31, p. 1-12.v
- Pilkey, O.H., 1987, A time for retreat: in Platt, R.H., Pelezarki, S.C., Burbank, B.K.R. (eds.), Cities On The Beach: Management Issues of Developed Coastal Barriers: University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper #224, p. 275-280.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Clayton, T.D., 1987, Beach replenishment: The National Solution? Coastal Zone 87, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 1408-1420.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W.J., 1987, Living with the Shore — Hazard Mitigation through Education: Coastal Zone 87, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 4794-4808.
- Pilkey, O.H., Bush, D.M., and Rodriquez, R.W., 1987, Bottom sediment types of the Northern Insular Shelf of Puerto Rico, Punta Penon to Punta Salinas: U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations Series, Map I-1861.
- Pilkey, O.H., Bush, D.M., and Rodriquez, R.W., 1987, Carbonate-terrigenous sedimentation on the North Puerto Rico Shelf: in Doyle, L.J. (ed.), Mixed Carbonate-Non-Carbonate Depositional Environments: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir, p. 231-250.
- Prince, C.M., Elmore, R.D., Ehrlich, R., and Pilkey, O.H., 1987, Aerial and Lateral Changes in a major trailing margin Turbidite — The Black Shell Turbidite: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 7, p. 103-112.
Pilkey, O.H., 1987, Don’t stop the ocean, move the light: Washington Post, Outpost Section, Jan. 4, p. c-3. - Pilkey, O., 1987, Move It or Lose It: Oceans, v. 20, no. 2, p. 23-56.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Davis, T.W., 1987, An analysis of Coastal Recession Models: North Carolina Coast, in Nummedal, D., Pilkey, O.H., and Howard, J.D. (eds.), Sea Level Rise and Coastal Evolution: The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM) Special Publication #41, p. 59-68.
- Martinez, J.O. and Pilkey, O., 1987, Estado actual y perspectivas de solucion referente a la erosion de las playas de Cartagena. Ingeominas, Direccion Regional Cartagena: Republica de Colombia Ministerio de Minas y Energia, Instituto Nacional de investigaciones geologico-mineras, 22 p.v
- Leonard, L.A., Pilkey, O.H., Jr., and Clayton, T.D., 1988, An assessment of beach replenishment parameters, in Tait, L.S. ( ed.), Beach Preservation Technology 88: Problems and Advancements in Beach Nourishment, Florida State & Beach Preservation Association, Tallahassee, FL, p. 115-124.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1988, Basin Plains: Giant Sedimentation events: in Clifton, H.E. (ed.), Cataclysmic Events: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 229, p. 93-100.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1988, A “Thumbnail Method” for Beach Communities: Estimation of Long-Term Beach Replenishment Requirements: Shore and Beach, v. 56, p. 23-31.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W.J., 1988, Coastal Geologic Hazards: in Sheridan, R.E. and Grow, J.A. (eds.), The Geology of North America, v. 1-2, The Atlantic Continental Margin, U.S.: Geological Society of America, DNAG volume, p. 549-556.
- Pilkey, O.H., Neal, W.J., and Clayton, T.D., 1988, Policy conflicts in the management of retreating shorelines: NRC, Water Board Colloquium, Future of Great Lakes Shorelines: National Academy of Sciences Press, p. 59-75.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Wright, H.L., 1988, Seawalls versus beaches: in Kraus, N.C. and
Pilkey, O.H. (eds.), The Effects of Seawalls on the Beach, Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue #4, p. 41-64. - Dean, R.G., Pilkey, O.H., Jr., Houston, J.R., 1988, Eroding Shorelines Impose Costly Choices. Geotimes, v. 33, no. 5, p. 9-14.
- Thieler, E.R., Bush, D.M., and Pilkey, O.H., Jr., 1989, Shoreline response to hurricane Gilbert: Lessons for coastal management, in Magoon, O.T., et al. (eds.), Coastal Zone ’89, Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 765-775.
Wright, H.L., III, and Pilkey, O.H., Jr., 1989, The effects of hard stabilization upon dry beach width, in Magoon, O.T., et al. (eds.), Coastal Zone ’89. American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York, p. 776-790. - Leonard, L.A., Dixon, K.L., and Pilkey, O.H., 1989, U.S. beach replenishment experience: A comparison of the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts: in Magoon, O.T., et al. (eds.), Coastal Zone ’89. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, p. 1994- 2005.
- Dixon, K.L., and Pilkey, O.H., Jr., 1989, Beach replenishment along the U.S. coast of the Gulf of Mexico, in Magoon, O.T., et al. (eds.), Coastal Zone ’89. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, p. 2007-2020.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1989, The engineering of sand: Journal of Geological Education, v. 37, p. 308-311.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Clayton, T.D., 1989, Summary of beach replenishment experience on U.S. East Coast barrier islands: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 5, p. 147-159.
- Pilkey, O.H., Heron, D., et al., 1989, The sedimentology of three Tunisian lagoons: in Ward, L. and Ashley, G. (eds.), Lagoons: Marine Geology, v. 88, p. 285-301.
- Pilkey, O.H., Jr., Morton, R.A., Kelley, J.T., and Penland, S., 1989, Coastal Land Loss, Vol. II: American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 195 p.
- Pilkey, O.H., Neal, W.J., Monteiro, J.H., and Dias, J.M.A., 1989, Algarve barrier islands: a non coastal plain system: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 5, p. 239-261.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Zabawa, C., 1989, Shoreline Erosion in the Upper Chesapeake Bay: Field Trip Guidebook T233, 28th International Geological Congress, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 13 p.
- Hall, M.J., Young, R.S., Thieler, E.R., Priddy, R.D., and Pilkey, O.H., 1990, Shoreline response to Hurricane Hugo: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 6, p. 211-221.
- Leonard, L.A., Clayton, T.D., and Pilkey, O.H., Jr., 1990, An analysis of replenished beach design parameters on U.S. East Coast barrier islands. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 6, p. 15-36.
- Leonard, L.A., Dixon, K.L., and Pilkey, O.H., Jr., 1990, A comparison of beach replenishment on the U.S. Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts, in Schwartz, M.L. and Bird, E.C.F. (eds.), Artificial Beaches: Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue #6, p. 127- 140.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1990, A time to look back at beach replenishment: Editorial: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 6, iii-vii.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Leonard, L.A., 1990, Reply to the Per Bruun discussion: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 6, p. 1059.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Leonard, L.A., 1990, Reply to the Houston discussion: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 6, p. 1047-1057.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Leonard, L.A., 1990, Reply to the Smith discussion: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 6, p. 1061-1062.
- Martinez, J.O., Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W.J., 1990, Rapid formation of large coastal sand bodies after emplacement of Magdalena River Jetties, Northern Colombia: Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, v. 16, no. 3, p. 187-194.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1990, Barrier Islands: Sea Frontiers, v. 36, December, p. 30-36. Pilkey, O.H., 1990, Truth in Science: Vertices, p. 7 and 38.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Bush, D.M., 1990, Eroding shorelines: No simple solution: Sea Wind, v. 4, p. 3-6.
Dixon, K.L., and Pilkey, O.H., Jr., 1991, Summary of beach replenishment experience on the U.S. Gulf of Mexico shoreline: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 7, p. 249-256. - Hall, M.J. and Pilkey, O.H., 1991, Effects of Hard Stabilization on Dry Beach Width for New Jersey: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 7, no. 3, p. 771-785.
- Pilkey, O.H., Hokanson, C., 1991, A Proposed Classification of Basin Plains, in Shepherd (ed.), From Shoreline to Abyss: SEPM Special Publication no. 46, p. 249-257.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1991, Coastal Erosion: Episodes, v. 14, p. 46-51.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1991, A tale of 6 societies: Overview: The Florida Planning and Zoning Association.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Leonard, L.A., 1991, Reply to Houston (again): Journal of Coastal Research, v. 7, p. 879-894.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Neal, W.J., 1991, Realism in Response to Shoreline Erosion Problems: A Call for a New World Order. Proceedings of the International Meeting (Nantes, France): Coastal Protection, International Experience and Prospects, Special Issue, 10 p.
- Neal, W.J. and Pilkey, O.H., 1991, Beach Mining: economic development/ environmental crisis: Sea Wind, v. 5, p. 3-8.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1992, Another view of beachfill performance: Shore and Beach (April), p. 20-25.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Neal, W.J., 1992, Save beaches, not buildings: Issues in Science and Technology (Spring), p. 36-41.
- Pilkey, O.H., Jr. and Thieler, E.R., 1992, Erosion of the United States shoreline: SEPM Special Publication #48 (Quaternary Coasts of the United States; Marine and Lacustrine Systems), p. 3-7.
- Thieler, E.R., Young, R.S., and Pilkey, O.H., 1992, Discussion of: “Boundary conditions and long-term shoreline change rates for the southern Virginia ocean coastline: Discussion:” Shore and Beach, October, p. 29-34.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1993, Can we predict the behavior of sand in a time and volume framework of use to human kind? Editorial: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 9, p. iii-iv.
- Pilkey, O.H., Young, R.S., Riggs, S.R., Smith, A.W.S., Wu, H., and Pilkey, W.D., 1993, The concept of shoreface profile of equilibrium: A critical review: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 9, p. 255-278.
- Pilkey, O.H., et al., 1993, Reply to discussion of shoreface profile of equilibrium papers by R. Dubois: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 9, p. 1146-1148.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1994, Consulting and Academia — The Enemy Within? Geotimes (September), p. 4.
- Pilkey, O.H., Young, R.S., Bush, D.M., Thieler, E.R., 1994, Predicting the Behavior of Beaches: Alternatives to Models: Littoral, v. 94, p. 53-60.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1994, Mathematical Modeling of Beach Behavior Doesn’t Work: Journal of Geological Education, v. 42, p. 358-361.
- Bush, D.M., Pilkey, O.H., 1995, Mitigation of hurricane property damage on barrier islands: a geological view: Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue #12, Coastal Hazards, p. 311-325.
- Young, R.S., Pilkey, O.H., Bush, D.M., and Thieler, E.R., 1995, A discussion of the generalized model for simulating shoreline change (GENESIS): Journal of Coastal Research, v. 11, p. 875-886.
- Martinez, J.O., Gonzalez, J.L., Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W.J., 1995, Tropical Barrier Islands of Colombia’s Pacific Coast: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 11, no. 2, p. 432- 453.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1995, The Fox Guarding the Hen House (Editorial): Journal of Coastal Research, v. 11, iii-v.
- Schneider, J., Shultz, S., and Pilkey, O., 1995, Late Quaternary Oyster Shells and Sea Level History, Inner Shelf, NW Gulf of Mexico: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 11, p. 664-674.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Dixon, K., 1995, Truths of the Shoreline: Bulletin of the American Littoral Society, v. 22, p. 5-11.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Thieler, E.R., 1996, Mathematical Modeling in Coastal Geology: Geotimes (December), p. 5.
- Pilkey, O.H., Young, R.S., Thieler, E.R., Jacobs, B.S., Katuna, M.P., Lennon, G., and Moeller, M.E., 1996, Reply to: Houston, J.R., 1996. Discussion of: Young, R.S., Pilkey,
- O.H., Bush, D.M., and Thieler, E.R., 1995, A Discussion of the Generalized Model for Simulating Shoreline Change (GENESIS), Journal of Coastal Research 11(3), p. 875- 886. Same volume: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 12(4), p. 1038-1043.
- Young, R.S., Bush, D.M., Pilkey, O.H., Neal, W.J., 1996, Evaluating shoreline change and associated risk from coastal hazards: an inexpensive qualitative approach, in Berger, A.T. and W.J. Iams (eds.), Geoindicators Assessing Rapid Environmental Changes in Earth Systems: A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, p. 193-206.
- Valverde, H., and Pilkey, O.H., 1996, Shoreline Stabilization in Onslow Bay: Carolina Geological Society Field-trip Guidebook, pp. 71-75.
- Cleary, W.J., and Pilkey, O.H., 1996, Environmental Coastal Geology: Cape Lookout to Cape Fear, North Carolina: Regional Overview: Carolina Geological Society Field-trip Guidebook, p. 87-127.
- Pilkey, O.H., 1997, Reply to Hillyer, T.M. and Stakhiv, E.Z., 1997, Discussion of: Pilkey, O.H., 1996. The Fox Guarding the Hen House (editorial), Journal of Coastal
Research, v. 11(3), iii-v: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 13(1), p. 265-267. - Pilkey, O.H., and Dixon, K.L., 1997, Review or Rebuttal? A Response to “Review of the Book The Corps and the Shore by O. Pilkey and K. Dixon” by James R. Houston and Robert Dean: Shore and Beach, January, p. 32-36.
- Libbey, L.K., McQuarrie, M.E., Pilkey, O.H., et al., 1998, Another view of the maturity of our science: Shore and Beach, v. 66(4), p. 2-4.
- Martinez, J.O., Gonzalez, J.L., Pilkey, O.H., Neal, W.J., 1998, Short-Term Evolution of Four Macrotidal, Leading-Edge Pacific Barrier Islands, Colombia, S.A.: Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue #26, p. 208-209.
- Stutz, M.L., Smith, A.W. S., and Pilkey, O.H., 1998, Differing mechanisms of wave energy dissipation in the wave shoaling zone, surf zone, and swash zone: Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue #26, p. 214-218.
- Trembanis, A.C., Valverde, H.R., Pilkey, O.H., 1998, Comparison of Beach Nourishment Along the U.S. Atlantic, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico and New England Shorelines: Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue #26, p. 246-251.
- McQuarrie, M.E., Pilkey, O.H., 1998, Evaluation of Alternative or Non-traditional Shoreline Stabilization Devices: Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue #26, p. 269- 272.
- Haddad, T.C., and Pilkey, O.H., 1998, Summary of the New England beach nourishment experience (1935-1996): Journal of Coastal Research, v. 14, no. 4, p. 1395-1404.
- Trembanis, A.C., and Pilkey, O.H., 1998, Summary of beach nourishment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico shoreline: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 14, no. 2, p. 407-417.
- Stutz, M.L., and Pilkey, O.H., 1999, Discussion of: Wang, P., N.C. Kraus, and R.A. Davis: Total Longshore Sediment Transport Rate in the Surf Zone: Field Measurements and Empirical Predictions: Journal of Coastal Research, 14(1), 269-282: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 15(1), p. 272-274.
- Pilkey, O.H., Thieler, E.R., Young, R.S., Bush, D.M., 1999, Reply to: Houston, J.R., Rejoinder to: Pilkey, O.H., Young, R.S., Thieler, E.R., Jacobs, B.S., Katuna, M.P.,
Lennon, G., and Moeller, M.R., 1996. Reply to Houston, J.R., A discussion of the Generalized Model for Simulating Shoreline Change (GENESIS), Journal of Coastal Research, 12(4), 1044-1050; Ibid., 14(3), 1170-1173. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 15(1), p. 277-279. - Valverde, H.R., Trembanis, A.C., and Pilkey, O.H., 1999, Summary of Beach Nourishment Episodes on the U.S. East Coast Barrier Islands: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 15, no. 4, p. 1100-1118.
- Bush, D.M., Neal, W.J., Young, R.S., and Pilkey, O.H., 1999, Utilization of Geoindicators for Rapid Assessment of Coastal-hazard Risk and Mitigation: Ocean and Coastal Management, v. 42, no. 8, p. 647-670.
- Pilkey, O.H., Bush, D.M., and Neal, W.J., 1999, Storms and the Coast, in Pielke, R.A., Jr., and Pielke, R.A., Sr. (Eds.), Storms: Routledge Publishing, p. x-x.
- Pilkey, O.H., Bush, D.M., and Neal, W.J., 1999, Lessons from Lighthouses: Shifting Sands, Coastal Management Strategies, and the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Controversy,
in Schneiderman, J. (ed.), The Earth Around Us, p. 198-220. - Trembanis, A.C., Pilkey, O.H., and Valverde, H.R., 1999, Comparison of beach nourishment along the U.S. Atlantic, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, and New England shorelines: Coastal Management, v. 27, p. 329-340.
- Thieler, E.R., Pilkey, O.H., Young, R.S., Bush, D.M., and Chai, F., 2000, The use of mathematical models to predict beach behavior for coastal engineering: a critical review: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 16(1), p. 48-70.
- Martinez, J.O., Gonzalez, J.L., Pilkey, O.H., and Neal, W.J., 2000, Barrier island evolution on the subsiding Central Pacific Coast, Colombia, South America: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 16, no. 3, p. 663-674.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Stutz, M. 2000, Seawalls and Sandbags: Geotimes (Dec.), p. 26-27.
- Pilkey, O.H., 2000, What you know can hurt you: Predicting the behavior of nourished beaches: in Sarewitz, D., Pielke, R.A., Jr., Byerly, R., Jr. (eds.), Prediction: Science, Decision Making, and the Future of Nature: Island Press, Washington, D.C., p. 159–184.
- Pilkey, O.H., 2000, Geologists, Engineers and a rising sea level: in Goldfarb, T. (ed.), Notable Selections in Environmental Studies: Dushkin/McGraw Hill, p. 90–102.
- Thieler, E.R., Pilkey, O.H., Cleary, W.J., and Schwab, W.C., 2001, Modern sedimentation on the shoreface and inner continental shelf at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 71, no. 6, p. 958-970.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Hume, T, 2001, The Shoreline Erosion Problem: Lessons from the Past: Water and Atmosphere: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), New Zealand, p. 22–24.
- Stutz, M.L., and Pilkey, O.H., 2001, A review of global barrier island distribution: ICS 2000 Proceedings: Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 34, p. 15-22.
- Barnhardt, W.A., Gonzalez, R., Kelley, J.T., Neal, W.J., Pilkey, O.H., et al., 2002, Geologic evidence for the incorporation of flood tidal deltas at Tavira Island, southern Portugal: ICS 2002 Proceedings: Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 36, p. 28-36.
- Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2002, The Barrier Islands of Southern Mozambique: ICS 2002 proceedings: Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 36, p. 164–172.
- Pilkey, O. H., 2002, Longshore transport volumes: A critical view: ICS 2002 Proceedings:
Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 36, p. 572-580. - Stutz, M.L., and Pilkey, O.H., 2002, Global distribution and morphology of deltaic barrier island systems: ICS 2002 Proceedings: Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 36, p. 694–707.
- Martinez, J.O., Gonzalez, J., Pilkey, O., and Neal, W., 2003, Evolución y consideraciones geoambientales de las islas barrera en el Pacífico central de Colombia. Memorias del Taller: “El Mundo Marino de Colombia y Territorios olvidados.” Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá), p. 97-109.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Cooper, J.A.G., 2004, Society and sea level rise: Science (19 Mar.), v. 303, p. 1781–1782.
- Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2004, Questioning the rules in coastal erosion (letter to editor): Physics Today (August), p. 21-22.
- Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2004, Longshore Drift: Trapped in an Expected Universe: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74, p. 599-606.
- Pilkey, O.H., Neal, W.J. and Bush, D.M., 2004, Coastal Erosion, in Isla, F.I., (ed.), Coastal Zones and Estuaries, Coastal Dynamics, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO. EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK (
- Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2004, Alternatives to the mathematical modeling of beaches: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 20(3), p. 641-644.
- Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2004, Sea level rise and shoreline retreat: time to abandon the Bruun Rule: Global and Planetary Change, v. 43, p. 157-171.
- Neal, W.J., Bush, D.M., and Pilkey, O.H., 2005, Managed Retreat, in Schwartz, M.L. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Coastal Science: Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 602– 606; Springer, New York, NY, p. 745-749.
- Pilkey, O.H., 2005, Foreword, in Schwartz, M.L. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Coastal Science: Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1211 p.
- Lewis, D.A., Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2005, Fetch limited barrier islands of Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay: Journal of Southeastern Geology, v. 44, p. 1–17.
- Stutz, M., and Pilkey, O.H., 2005, The relative influence of humans on barrier islands: humans versus geomorphology, in Ehlen, J., Haneberg, W.C., and Larson, R.A. (eds.) Humans as Geologic Agents: Reviews in Engineering Geology, Geological Society of America, p. 137-148.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Young, R.S., 2005, Editorial: Will Hurricane Katrina impact shoreline
management? Here’s why it should: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 21(6), iii–ix. Pilkey, O., 2005, Eye of the Storm: Duke Magazine, v. 91, no. 4, p. 72. - Young, R.S., and Pilkey, O.H., 2006, Reply to: Simmons, H., 2006. Discussion of:
Pilkey, O.H. and Young, R.S., 2005. Editorial: Will Hurricane Katrina Impact Shoreline Management? Here’s Why It Should: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 21(6), iii-ix. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 22(4), 1010-1012: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 22(4), p. 1013. - Pilkey, O.H., and Cooper, J.A.G., 2006, Discussion of Cowell, et al., 2006, Management of uncertainty in predicting climate-change impacts on beaches, Journal of Coastal Research, 22(1), 232-245: Journal of Coastal Research v. 22(6), p. 1577-1579.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Coburn, A., 2006, Beach Nourishment: Is It Worth the Cost? – Perspective: Professional Dialog, NOAA Coastal Services Center,
- Pilkey, O.H., and Coburn, A., 2006, Beach Nourishment: Is It Worth the Cost? – Response: Professional Dialog, NOAA Coastal Services Center,
- Pilkey, O.H., 2006, What I Did On My Summer Vacation, Beach Nourishment: Is It Worth the Cost? – Conclusion: Professional Dialog, NOAA Coastal Services Center,
- Pilkey, O.H., and Coburn, A., 2006, Beach Nourishment: It’s a Good Investment – Critique: Professional Dialog, NOAA Coastal Services Center,
- Pilkey, O.H., 2006, The Coast Isn’t Clear: Grist Magazine: Environmental News and Commentary – Interactivist, Q&A with environmental foot soldiers:
- Pilkey, O.H., 2006, Orrin Relations: Grist Magazine: Environmental News and Commentary – Interactivist, Q&A with environmental foot soldiers:
- Pilkey, O.H., and Trembanis, A., 2007, In Memoriam (Sam Smith), Journal of Coastal Research 23(1), p. 282.
- Pilkey, O., 2007, Beach Nourishment: Not the Answer: Business & Economic Review, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, Division of Research, Columbia, SC, v. 53, no. 2, p. 7-8.
- Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2007, Field measurement and quantification of longshore sediment transport: an unattainable goal? in Balson, P.S. and Collins, M.B. (eds.), Coastal and Shelf Sediment Transport: Geological Society of London, Special Publications 274, p. 37-43.
- Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2007, Rejoinder to: Cowell, P.J., and Thom, B.G., 2006. Reply to: Pilkey, O.H. and Cooper, A.G., 2006. Discussion of Cowell, et al., 2006. Management of Uncertainty in Predicting Climate-Change Impacts on Beaches. Journal of Coastal Research, 22(1), 232-245; Journal of Coastal Research, 22(6), 1577-1579; Journal of Coastal Research, 22(6), 1580-1584. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 23(1), p. 277-280.
- Cooper, J.A.G., Lewis, D.A., Pilkey, O.H., 2007, Fetch-limited barrier islands: overlooked coastal landforms: GSA Today, v. 17, no. 3, p. 4-9.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Pilkey-Jarvis, L, 2007, Mathematical Models Just Don’t Add Up: The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section B, May 25, 2007, p. B12.
- Pilkey, O.H., and Cooper, J.A.G., 2007, Lifting the Flap or Why Coastal Models Don’t Work: Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50 (Proceedings of the 9th International Coastal Symposium), 585-587, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Cooper, J.A.G., Pilkey, O.H., and Lewis, D.A., 2007, Islands behind Islands: An unappreciated coastal landform category: Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50 (Proceedings of the 9th International Coastal Symposium), 907-911, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Lewis, D.A., Cooper, J.A.G., Pilkey, O.H., and Short, A.D., 2007, Fetch Limited Barrier Islands of Spencer Gulf, South Australia: Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50 (Proceedings of the 9th International Coastal Symposium), 912-916, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Cooper, J.A.G., and Pilkey, O.H., 2008, Discussion of: Brøker, et al., 2007, Morphological modeling: a tool for optimization of coastal structures. Journal of Coastal Research 23, p. 1148-1158: Journal of Coastal Research 24(3), pp. 814-816.
- Pilkey, O.H., Cooper, J.A.G., and Lewis, D.A., 2009, Global distribution and geomorphology of fetch-limited barrier islands, Journal of Coastal Research 25(4), pp. 819-837.
- Pilkey, O.H. and Neal, W.J., 2009, North Topsail Beach, North Carolina: A Model for Maximizing Coastal Hazard Vulnerability, in Kelley, J.T., Pilkey, O.H., and Cooper, J.A.G. (eds.), America’s Most Vulnerable Coastal Communities: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 460, p. 73-90.
- Stutz, M.L., and Pilkey, O.H., 2011, Open-ocean Barrier Islands: Global Influence of Climatic, Oceanographic, and Depositional Settings: Journal of Coastal Research, 27(2), 207-222.