Biologist urges action on illegal sand mining, Antigua

Cocoa Point, Barbuda. Photo source: ©© Sharkbait


A local marine biologist is urging the authorities to take a firmer stance on the crime of sand mining at beaches across the Antigua & Barbuda…

Read Full Article, Antigua Observer (05-21-2016)

Antigua Draws a Line in the Vanishing Sand, IPS News (04-16-2015)

Facing Tough Times, Barbuda Continues Sand Mining Despite Warnings, IPS News (07-16-2013)
Local scientists are warning the tiny 62-square-mile island of Barbuda, in the Antigua and Barbuda union, is becoming one of the most vulnerable spots on earth to the consequences of climate change. Worsening the problem is the long-time practice of sand removal from the island…

Facing Tough Times, Barbuda Continues Sand Mining Despite Warnings, IPS News (07-16-2013)

Sand, Rarer Than One Thinks: A UNEP report (GEA-March 2014)
Despite the colossal quantities of sand and gravel being used, our increasing dependence on them and the significant impact that their extraction has on the environment, this issue has been mostly ignored by policy makers and remains largely unknown by the general public.
In March 2014 The United Nations released its first Report about sand mining. “Sand Wars” film documentary by Denis Delestrac – first broadcasted on the european Arte Channel, May 28th, 2013, where it became the highest rated documentary for 2013 – expressly inspired the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to publish this 2014-Global Environmental Alert.

Sand Wars, An Investigation Documentary, By Multi-Award-Winning Filmmaker Denis Delestrac ©-2013.

Sand Mining in Antigua: Learn More, Coastal Care

Global Sand Mining: Learn More, Coastal Care

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