First inland South Carolina tract purchased in Cape Romain effort to save habitat as seas rise

Cape Island in foreground, Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, SC. Photograph courtesy of: Mary Edna Fraser, 2006 ©.


The vast island seascape of the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge just gained a first tiny foothold on what could be its future.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has acquired its first real tract on the mainland, a 64-acre parcel of land along Bulls Island Road en route to the Garris Public Boat Landing.

The purchase is a big step in an effort to move the refuge inland, to keep habitat for species that are losing ground as its barrier islands are overrun by rising seas…

Read Full Article, Post and Courrier (11-24-2017)

Cape Romain – Part 1: Decoding the structure of Cape Island; By Cecelia Dailey (02-01-2016)
Cape Romain is South Carolina’s only cape and its most erosional coast. Change is happening rapidly here.

Part 2: Excursions in Cape Romain; By Cecelia Dailey (04-01-2016)
Through a series of excursions, I bring to you some ground-truthing in Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, SC as an amateur naturalist.

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