Shipping and Industry Threaten Famed Home of the Bengal Tiger

Sundarbans. Photo source: ©© Arindam Bhattacharya


Toxic chemical pollution in the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world, is threatening thousands of marine and forest species and has environmentalists deeply concerned about the future of this World Heritage Site.

Repeated mishaps have already dumped toxic materials like sulfur, hydrocarbons, chorine, magnesium, potassium, arsenic, lead, mercury, nickel, vanadium, beryllium, barium, cadmium, chromium, selenium, radium and many more into the waters. They’re killing plankton – a microscopic organism critical for the survival of marine life inside the wild forest.

Scientific studies warn the sudden drastic fall in the plankton population may affect the entire food chain in the Sundarbans in the near future, starving the life in the rivers and in the forest.

The latest incident involved the sinking of a coal-loaded cargo ship on April 14 deep inside the forest, popularly known as the home of the endangered Royal Bengal Tigers, once again outraging environmentalists…

Read Full Article; IPS News (05-19-2018)

A new power plant could devastate the world’s largest mangrove forest; The Washington Post (07-18-2016)
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How Not to Love Nature: Shove a Coal Plant Next to Earth’s Biggest Mangrove Forest; World Time (10-06-2013)
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The Ship-Breakers, National Geographic (05-2014)
In Bangladesh men desperate for work perform one of the world’s most dangerous jobs…

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