Microplastics are everywhere. They’re in your liver, blood and even in your brain, and they’re almost impossible to avoid. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to minimize your exposure.
“This really is a public health crisis that people are just generally not aware of,” said Sherri Mason, a freshwater and plastic-pollution researcher at Gannon University in Pennsylvania. People can limit their exposure by acknowledging the plastic in their routines and finding ways to reduce usage, she said.
A new commentary released Tuesday in the journal Brain Medicine identified key ways to cut down on microplastics. Nicholas Fabiano, the article’s lead author, said that given recent studies, “we don’t know a lot of what the downstream consequences of these microplastics are, but we do have emerging evidence that it’s certainly not beneficial…”
Here are five ways to reduce your exposure in what you eat and drink.
Drink Tap Water…
Avoid plastic food containers…
Use plastic food containers…
Use glass in the microwave…
Avoid highly processed food…
Ditch the plastic tea bags…