More plastic than fish in the sea by 2050

“When plastic ingestion occurs, it blocks the digestive tract, gets lodged in animals windpipes cutting airflow causing suffocation, or fills the stomach, resulting in malnutrition, starvation and potentially death.”—Captions: © SAF — Coastal Care. Photo source: ©© Tedsgp2


One refuse truck’s-worth of plastic is dumped into the sea every minute, and the situation is getting worse.

According to a new report launched at the World Economic Forum on Tuesday, new plastics will consume 20% of all oil production within 35 years, up from an estimated 5% today. Plastics production has increased twentyfold since 1964, reaching 311m tonnes in 2014, the report says. It is expected to double again in the next 20 years and almost quadruple by 2050…

Read Full Article, Guardian UK

Here’s How Much Plastic Ends Up In the World’s Oceans,The Time (02-13-2015)
Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans, it’s equivalent to five grocery bags filled with plastic for every foot of coastline…

The Ocean Is Contaminated by Trillions More Pieces of Plastic Than Thought, IOP Science (12-08-2015)
This new study suggests there are 15 to 51 trillion micro plastic particles (those less than 200 millimeters in size) in the world’s oceans, weighing between 93 and 236,000 metric tons. This is about seven times more than scientists had previously estimated…

Even the tiniest plastics found in the sea with new technology, Science Daily (12-03-2015)

Ocean Plastic is Likely Disappearing Into the Food Chain, New Study Indicates, Guardian UK (02-13-2015)

Plastic Contaminates Ocean Sourced Table Salt, Scientific American (10-30-2015)
When researchers analyzed fifteen brands of common table salt bought at supermarkets across China, they found among the grains of seasoning micro-sized particles of plastic. The highest level of plastic contamination was found in salt sourced from the ocean…

Biodegradable Plastics Are Not the Answer to Reducing Marine Litter, UN News Center (11-23-2015)

Plastic pollution: When The Mermaids Cry: The Great Plastic Tide, Coastal Care
The unprecedented plastic waste tide plaguing our oceans and shores, can become as limited as our chosen relationship with plastics, which involves a dramatic behavioral change on our part…

Global Consumption Trends Break New Records, World Watch Institute (09-21-2015)

A Sustainable Approach to Preventing Ocean Plastic Pollution, Algalita Foundation / Huffington Green (06-10-2015)

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