To Save America’s Coasts, Don’t Always Rebuild Them – New York Times

Federal and state taxpayers have spent billions of dollars over the past four decades pumping up beaches in front of coastal properties in what are known as beach nourishment projects. In Florida alone, almost $3 billion in public funds has been spent just to keep beaches in front of investment homes and oceanfront infrastructure…
Israeli scientists work to save the country’s coastline from rising tides

As the sea level rises and human interference continues, the Israeli coast will experience more intense flooding, disappearing beaches, and intensifying coastal erosion.
As California beaches reopen, seawall construction becomes legislative battleground

In a move this month that outraged environmentalists and caught coastal regulators off guard, a Republican senator pushed forward legislation that would revise a key section in the state’s landmark Coastal Act and allow homeowners in San Diego and Orange counties to build seawalls by right.
Building sunken breakwaters off SC coast to halt beach erosion has unclear future

The idea — building an underwater barrier to slow down waves, and thus slow the flow of escaping sand — has coastal experts worried about disrupting the coastal flow of sand, nesting sea turtles and worsening water quality on the beach.
Trump refused permission to build sea wall at Irish golf course

A golf course and hotel owned by President Donald Trump has been refused planning permit to build a sea wall designed to protect the fairways from coastal erosion by authorities in Ireland.
Army Corps’ proposal for sand dunes in newest plan brings questions about cost, feasibility

A $32 billion plan for a coastal barrier system to protect the Houston-Galveston region, including 14-foot-high dune fields is seen as the latest innovation designed for Texas to engineer its way out of an existential crisis: a coastline gradually vanishing and increasingly vulnerable to massive storm surges and sea level rise.
Judge blocks exclusive, gated community from putting tons of rocks on public beach

Residents of an exclusive gated community who want to put tons of boulders on a public beach lost a court battle this week. This ruling comes as battles simmer in South Carolina over how to deal with the effects of global warming and rising sea levels.
Living Shoreline Permitting Made Easier

The state of North Carolina is well on its way to making it easier for property owners to build living shorelines.
Holden Beach Says ‘No’ to Terminal Groin, NC

Terminal groins are wall-like structures built perpendicular to the shore at inlets to contain sand in areas of high erosion, like that of beaches at inlets.