Some California cities think they’re safe from sea level rise. They’re not, new research shows

Sea level rise is a lot more complicated than just waves breaking over seawalls and beaches disappearing.
Researchers identify human influence as key agent of ocean warming patterns in the future

The oceans play an important role in regulating our climate and its change by absorbing heat and carbon.
Warming Greenland ice sheet passes point of no return

Nearly 40 years of satellite data from Greenland shows that glaciers on the island have shrunk so much that even if global warming were to stop today, the ice sheet would continue shrinking.
New study warns: We have underestimated the pace at which the Arctic is melting

Arctic sea ice is melting more quickly than once assumed. Today’s climate models have yet to incorporate the steep rise in temperatures that have occurred over the past 40 years. This, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen and other institutions.
Resort plan for SC barrier island advances with county now saying it’s ‘ecotourism’

Plans to build a resort on a remote island off South Carolina’s coast took a step forward this week, now with word from Beaufort County staff that the plans can qualify as “ecotourism.”
Coastal flooding set to get more frequent, threatening coastal life and global GDP

Coastal flooding across the world is set to rise by around 50 percent due to climate change in the next 80 years, endangering millions more people and trillions of US dollars more of coastal infrastructure, new research shows.
Video: Coastal erosion ‘to threaten more Australian homes’

Recent storms on Australia’s coast have caused major erosion beneath beachfront homes in New South Wales.
Luxury homes in Australia are falling into the ocean due to coastal erosion

In a coastal neighborhood in Australia’s New South Wales state, luxury beachfront homes are in danger of collapsing into the ocean.
Rising Seas Threaten an American Institution: The 30-Year Mortgage

Up and down the coastline, rising seas and climate change are transforming a fixture of American homeownership that dates back generations: the classic 30-year mortgage.