Sea Urchins and Overfishing Impact on Kenya Coast’s Reefs
An 18-year study of Kenya’s coral reefs by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of California at Santa Cruz has found that overfished reef systems have more sea urchins, organisms that in turn eat coral algae that build tropical reef systems.
Some Coral Reefs Less Vulnerable to Rising Sea Temperatures
The findings hold promise for an estimated 100 million people living along the coasts of tropical developing countries whose livelihoods and welfare depend directly on coral reefs.
Scientists Call for Protection and Better Management for Australian Reefs
The eastern subtropical coastline, and increasingly the west too, are among Australia’s fastest-growing regions, throwing surging human pressures on ecosystems.
The Last of The Sea Nomads
For generations they have lived on the ocean, diving and fishing, and rarely setting foot on land. But now the marine nomads risk destroying the reefs that sustain them. It’s a common story throughout the Coral Triangle.
Caribbean Reef Ecosystems May Not Survive Repeated Stress
Coral reefs suffered now record losses as a consequence of high ocean temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean in 2005, according to the most comprehensive documentation of basin-scale bleaching to date.
Rare Cold Water Coral Discovered off the Coast of Mauritania
A rare cold water coral reef has been discovered off the coast of Mauritania in Northern Africa, the first time such a reef has been found this far south.
Third Nuclear Power Plant Discharge Destroying Kenting’s Reefs
Thermal discharge from the Third Nuclear Power Plant is behind the rapid destruction of Kenting National Park’s coral reef, Taiwan.
Scientists find damage to coral near BP well
For the government, the findings were a departure from earlier statements.
Call to Heal World’s Reefs
There is still time to save the world’s ailing coral reefs, if prompt and decisive action can be taken to improve their overall health, leading marine researchers said, in a major scientific symposium in Canberra, October 7th and 8th.