These Haunting Underwater Photos Portray Climate Change in a New Way – CNN Interactive

Akessa stares strait ahead with a look of fierce indignation. The 15-year-old is sitting in a rickety chair. Her hand are clasped in her lap. Her white skirt is billowing ever so slightly in what, at first glance, you might assume is the wind….There is no breeze blowing here. This girl and her searing gaze are underwater…
Can Seawalls Save Us? – the New Yorker

Pacifica, California, just south of San Francisco, is the kind of beachfront community that longtime residents compare to Heaven…Pacifica embodies one of the central disagreements about rising seas. Fight or flight? Stay or go? Flight can seem unimaginable. But, if we try to fight the ocean with rock and concrete, it will cost us—and it may not work…