2011 Ashden Awards international finalists, in pictures

Eight sustainable energy pioneers from Africa and Asia have been selected as international finalists for the prestigious Ashden Awards for sustainable energy 2011.
Coastal Dunes, Lençóis Maranhenses, Brazil

It seems incredible, but in a country that keeps around 30% of the fresh water and shelters the largest rain forest in the world, we can find a “desert.” Located on the north shore of Brazil, the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is an area encompassing roughly 1000 square kilometers of blinding white dunes and deep blue lagoons, forming one of the most beautiful and unique places in the world.
Italy says Yes to a nuclear energy free future

In the past weekend Italians’ were called to cast their vote on four referendums, one of which was about the production of nuclear energy in Italy. 95% of voters have chosen for a future free of nuclear energy.